Finally, Amarillo, Texas Sees A Week With No Snow In The Forecast
It seems like we just can't shake the winter cold in the Texas panhandle. Amarillo has been seeing chances of snow creep up in the forecasts despite the predictions of a groundhog and armadillo when it comes to spring. This week, however, it seems that we won't have snow in the forecast. Instead, we might finally get some spring showers.
There Is A Chance For Rain, And Storms, To Hit The Texas Panhandle
I went to check the extended forecast today to start making plans for the weekend, expecting to see another quick bout with cold weather, or possibly snow in the forecast, and I was pleasantly surprised. Knock on wood, we may be out of the cold for just a little bit.
Then, I got excited looking at the forecast and seeing that we have more than one chance for rain and possibly storms. The first of which is tomorrow, according to the National Weather Service in Amarillo.
I'm not getting too excited. We do live in the Texas panhandle, and winter really does like to make a dramatic exit around here. However, I'll take a several-day stretch of not needing to wear my flannel pajamas to bed.
Who Else Is Ready For Spring Storms In Amarillo, Texas?
I enjoy rain in the spring. I'll even sit and enjoy a good thunderstorm, as long as it stays within reason. Yes, we do have issues with our roads flooding any time they so much as flush a toilet in heaven, and yes severe weather in this part of the world can be scary. That doesn't mean I can't look forward to the more tame spring storms we get in the area. They're beautiful.
Hopefully, the winter weather is long gone, but I wouldn't hold my breath. What I do recommend is getting out and enjoying this weather while we can. Soon, we'll all be complaining about how hot it is.
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