The Amarillo Zoo is offering a great program on how to have a great garden without using a lot of water.

WHAT: Xeriscape Gardens

WHEN: February 21, 2015 11a-12n

WHERE: Amarillo Zoo in Thompson Park

COST: Zoo Admission

$4.00 Adults (13-61)
$3.00 Seniors (62 and over)
$2.00 Child (3-12)
Free (2 and under)

Special guest speaker Neil Hinders with Canyon’s Edge Plants will be speaking on how to have a beautiful garden and lawn without having to use a lot of water.  He'll be teaching on some of the best drought tolerant plants and plants that survive in our climate.

This is the first program that the Amarillo Zoo will be offering in their Commitment to Conservation Series.  The Zoo will offer more programs throughout the year.

For more information visit:

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