Charlie is an award-winning broadcaster and writer with 15 years of experience in the radio industry. Most of his time has been spent behind a microphone and on stage, entertaining crowds across Oklahoma and Texas. Charlie brings his unique perspectives to everything from Route 66 in Amarillo, Texas, to the strange history of the Texas panhandle region. His passion for entertainment extends to film and music, which he loves to review. Charlie is an avid traveler that prefers to spend his free time in the great outdoors. Whether it is in the mountains of Colorado, Palo Duro Canyon, or the beaches of Texas, you'll find him at home camping under the stars.
Surprising Fact: Dalhart, Texas Sits Nearer to Six State Capitals than Austin
At the very least, and if we need to put some kind of silver lining on this, it's nice to see that Dalhart, Texas comes with so many possible vacation destinations.
Which Celebrities Would Texans Vote For? It’s Not Who You Think.
Which celebrities would Texas pick for President? It's not the one person you just thought of. Matthew didn't even make the list.
Unleash Your Inner Hero; Volunteer Opportunity at Palo Duro Canyon
Free entry to the park, gear provided, and you get to help out at Palo Duro Canyon this Saturday.
This Hidden Gem In Amarillo Will Blow Your Mind
I'm glad to see more vegan restaurants and food trucks popping up.
Don’t Miss the Exciting Debut of the Meredith Mike Festival this October!
Lake Meredith in the Texas panhandle is home to the legendary monster fish, Meredith Mike. This October there's a festival in his honor.
Mountain Lion Possibly Spotted in Canyon, Texas – Stay Safe!
This year has been the year of the mountain lion in Texas.
Stay Safe; Law Enforcement Urges Drivers Not to Drink This Holiday Weekend
With the holiday weekend coming up, it's a good time to decide how you'll get around town if you have some drinks.
Texans Stranded as Megabus Shuts Down Operations Statewide
According to reports, it's all due to a bankruptcy filed by Megabus's parent company.
Transform Lives with a Tap: Amarillo’s Innovative Blood Donation App
You use the app, complete your blood donation, and then a donation is made to the 100 Club of the Texas Panhandle.
The Bizarre Legal History of Noodling in Texas and Where You Can Try It
Noodling hasn't been legal in Texas for very long. If you've ever wanted to give catching catfish by hand a try, Texas is now the place to do it.
Amarillo Residents Beware; Recent Rise in Scammer Activity
Scammers are working harder than ever at separating you from your hard-earned money. Don't make it easy for them.
Strange Fish Alert! Piranha-Like Creature Found in Texas Panhandle
Lake Meredith in the Texas panhandle is already home to the legendary monster-fish Meredith Mike, but now there's a new fish in town.