Join the High Plains Food Bank and their Kid's Cafe as they kick off their summer meals program with a big party.


WHAT: Kid's Cafe Summer Meals Kick-Off Party

WHEN: Saturday, May 20th, 9a-1pm

WHERE: Kid's Cafe - 2199 SE 8th

COST: Free

Bring out the entire family and celebrate the kick off of the Summer Meals Program.

They will have food, drinks, music, games, bounce house, prizes and lots of great resources.

Plus, kids are encouraged to wear their favorite costumes.

The Kids Cafe is offered to children in our area who need daily, healthy meals.  It's a program put in place to deal with childhood hunger.  The only meals some of these kids get are at school, but the Kids Cafe is there to provide a nutritious dinner.

Once school is out of the summer these kids won't have access to daily breakfast and lunch and that's why the Kids Cafe kicks off their summer meal program, to make sure these kids get healthy meals to eat.  Without these meals these children would go hungry.

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