It Turns Out You’re Normal For Fantasizing About Someone Besides Your Significant Other
Don't feel bad, but your partner isn't always thinking about you. There are times when they fantasize about someone else.But don't panic, this is very common.
The Sun newspaper recently asked its readers who they fantasize about in bed. Here is what they found ...
Colleague 27%
Boss 19%
Female friend 16.5%
Partner’s brother 12.5%
Neighbour 10%
Partner’s best pal 9.8%
Partner’s dad 4.5%
The Sun newspaper asked its readers how often they fantasize about someone else. The answers were ...
Once a week 23%
Once a month 22.5%
Twice a year 22%
A few times a week 14.5%
Once a year 12%
Every day 6%
Is fantasizing as bad as cheating? That's for you to decide.