Do you have a child that loves to sing?  If they have a love for music and a love of singing, then sign them up for the Amarillo Youth Choirs Vocal Camp.

Teenage Rock Singer


WHAT: AYC Vocal Camp

WHEN: Saturday, February 4, 2017 8:30am- 3:30pm

WHERE: Paramount Baptist Church, 3801 S. Western

WHO: Boys and Girls, 2nd-6th grades

COST: $35 - includes all sessions, a pizza lunch and t-shirt.

This camp is a great opportunity for boys and girls to improve their singing skills.  Sessions include, ensemble singing, sight reading, performing, rhythm and dance.  These classes will be taught by area teachers and teachers from Amarillo Youth Choirs.  Plus if you would like private voice lessons for your child, 15-minute private lessons will be available for and extra $10.

Students will perform at a recital starting at 3pm and is open to the public.

Registration will begin at 8:30am day of the camp. For more information or registration forms,


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