Here Are Some Tips To Live to Be 100
Do you want to live to be 100? If so we have some tips on how to make that happen.
Of course these tips come from people who have actually succeeded in that goal. They all have lived to be 100.
After talking to them the interviewers then compared their answers to come up with these common tips.
Now some of these tips clash with others. For example some people said DRINKING helped them live longer, and others said NOT drinking did. But here are the most common tips according to
- You need to ignore traditional advice about your diet. 29% said it was one of their secrets.
- Eat healthy, 25%. So, the opposite of the first one.
- Stay active, 22%.
- Stay positive, 18%.
- Drink alcohol REGULARLY, 16%. The best quote they found was from a 111-year-old guy who said that, "Putting a little bourbon in your morning coffee is like medicine."
- DON'T drink too much, and don't smoke, 12%.
- Maintain meaningful relationships, 10%.
- Always try to get a good night's sleep, 9%.
- Be nice to people, 9%.
- Have faith, 9%.
So reading over this list there is no total gimme that you will live to be 100. So pick and choose the ones that make sense to you. Here is to making it to 100!