Here Are The Things On An Airplane With Many Germs
It is getting to that most wonderful time of year and with that may come a lot of travel. You may even take a plane somewhere.
If you do you need to know the areas on a plane that are just the filthiest. Things you may want to wipe down with a Clorox wipe. I mean it is also flu season. So I mean that would help.
So you get on the plane and pick your seat. You get situated and lean back for a long flight. Well don't even think about that headrest. Yep, they are pretty dirty. They aren't disinfected very often and definitely not cleaned between flights.
Be careful when reaching in that seat in front of you to check for the drinks being served. A lot of times those pocket are not cleaned out and who knows what the passenger before you left. You would hate to reach in there and grab a dirty diaper or even a half eaten sandwich.
Another dirty part of your seat area for the next hour or so is the tray in front of you. Who knows what the person before you had on that. Or how their dirty hands were all over that tray. It could use a good wipe down.
So enjoy your holiday travel but really have some Clorox wipes or some antibacterial soap in one of your bags.