How to Stay Healthy This Labor Day Weekend
So the Labor Day Weekend is upon us....and you are trying to be healthy. What can you do to keep from adding on the pounds?
Here are a few tips to keep you on the healthier side.
If you are going to a may decide to bring some healthier side dishes to help you along the way. At least that way you know there will be a few guiltless foods.
Try to avoid alcohol. I know! I know! At least try to limit it. If you indulge too much you know you will want to snack.
Get active this weekend. You will have the time...get outside and enjoy it. Go for a walk....a run.....just get moving.
Make sure you take along the water. Stay will help your body and help you not to overeat. Instead of grabbing a snack....grab a bottle of water.
Lastly....just remember to relax....have some fun! Make some memories...that goes a long way to help your mental health as well!
What are your plans this holiday weekend? Comment below.