It Seems Like Amarillo Parks and Recreation Can’t Catch a Break
Amarillo Parks and Rec shared a post on social media earlier today regarding vandalism that occurred at Sam Houston Park. Amarillo Parks and Rec just can't catch a break.
It's been rough for Amarillo Parks and Rec. Not only were there the constant delays to getting the new aquatic center opened, there was also the vandalism at the new Thompson Park pool. On top of that, there was the news about all of the budget woes.
Adding insult to injury, vandals have struck again. They busted up electrical panels and felt a need to add a splash of graffiti to the place.
You can see the post below.
Unfortunately, in a year that's already been rough on Amarillo Parks and Rec they now have to deal with this. That's time, money, and resources that could have been spent somewhere else.
Plus, when it comes to our parks we've all been in this mode where we're thinking about the things we cherish. Those of us who enjoy the parks feel like we're in danger of losing some of the things we love about them. Seeing this just feels like a slap in the face.
If you haven't seen the results yet from the big survey that Amarillo Parks and Rec put out last month regarding the parks, you check out their breakdown of the results here.
Basically, we want to keep splash pads, pools, and places to sit and stay cool in the shade. We weren't too concerned with golf.
Hopefully as we move into the later part of 2021, things turn around for Amarillo Parks and Rec.