Jason Collier Is Back And He’s Swiping Right On Everybody in Amarillo
A friend of mine sent me a screenshot not too long ago of our good friend, Jason Collier. You know who I am talking about. He became the talk of the area because he got busted by several women he was dating all while married. Oh, and he was also the Chief of Police in Stinnett. He was....he's not anymore.
Since then, he got divorced, had a book written about him, appeared on Dr. Phil a couple times, and now maybe he found love. Good for him, really. Everyone deserves happiness. His post, which I can't share because it was on his personal Facebook page even made light of his situation. It said something to the fact that he wanted to make it official and he may have found a new coffee pot recipient. For some reason that was the gift of choice he gave all of his fiances and girlfriends.
Again good for him. Except apparently you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Even the phrase people don't change comes to mind. A friend of mine, who will remain anonymous here posted this on Facebook last night:
He was able to prove it was him but then she too knew he had a girlfriend so then the fun started:
All of this was posted Monday afternoon and boy did it take off. Almost two hundred comments since. Poor Jason. By that I mean really not. I feel he has hurt a lot of people including his family and many women.
I get it. He can date. I don't want to keep him from that but don't be on a dating site like Bumble if you are on social media bragging about your new girlfriend. That is not fair to her at all. It also shows that the remorse he was trying to pull off on Dr. Phil was, as we expected, totally fake.
Some of the comments on my friend's Facebook post really have me cracking up. I mean none of these girls are having any of it.
he isn’t that hot. Maybe some women are more gullible then others. Mind you I am not superficial but he would have to really smooth to get over on me
Another person stated the truth:
it took me a second to realize who it is....but this is epic.....Guess Dr Phil was a bust
I think this one won the internet:
Never be lonely at JasonCollier.com
But in reality this is the cold hard truth:
You can't help but laugh because the whole thing was ridiculous, and yah, it's hilarious that he's back on dating apps so quickly, and truly believes he's a new man. All jokes aside, I feel sorry for this guy... he really believes he's in the right. I also feel for the women he hurt. Nothing is funny about that, and I've been used, so I know all too well the feeling of deception by someone you believe loves you. I just wanted to make clear, that while the media circus surrounding it is funny, the coffee pot thing is clearly funny, I don't take it lightly that actual people with real feelings were hurt.
Apparently his moto is "if at first you don't succeed.....try try again."
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