It was just a short time ago that we were paying around $2.35 in Amarillo for gas. It was really nice. Since it was above $3 not too long ago. So when we can get a break on the price of gas it seems life is easier.
It was very interesting when I asked the question about the policy on theft at Toot n Totum. People wanted to make sure that they contacted me not only to tell me about the policy but other things about Toot n Totum.
I have lived here in Canyon or Amarillo for an awfully long time. When you live in a place for so long, and I am talking about since the late eighties, you hear things. You come to learn some interesting things about the area.
One of the first things I learned when I started working in downtown Amarillo was that there were tunnels connecting different businesses in the area. They did come in handy. I would use the tunnels in my building to walk in the winter months.
I got a phone call the other morning wanting to figure out what was going in at a location here in Amarillo. So me doing my best investigation drove out to the area in question. There has to be answers.
I know that we have to change in order to improve. It seems like everyday something is closing. Just like every day something new is coming to Amarillo. It is just the way of the world. The way of our city.