The hotel was built in 1956, in the quirky "space age" style, (aka googie style), popular then thanks to the Cold War and a growing interest in outer space.
There's a crisis in the parking lots... okay... maybe not but it could be. how do we tame the shopping carts at wild that people leave behind to roll aimlessly?
Who doesn't love to attend a wedding? It's two people committing their lives to each other. It's romantic and of course, let's be honest, we go for the party afterwards. The meal, the cake and let's face it if we are lucky the open bar. However, things happen and sometimes we are unable to make the wedding even after the RSVP has been made.
We all know kid are not allowed to smoke. They aren't allowed to smoke in school either. So when a school confiscated an e-cigarette a 14-year old was using, you would think what wouldn't cause an uproar. However, the boy's mother caused an uproar and complained to the school about them taking away his e-cigarette.
Today is National Scotch Tape Day. Today is the day we celebrate this sticky clear wonder that makes our lives so much easier. I mean when scotch tape came on the scene, we no longer had to wrap packages with twine. We were able to tape down those brown paper edges. Scotch tape has been a life saver on so many occasions. So let's celebrate National Scotch tape day with the top 10 best uses fo
When it comes to birthday parties, we like to send our kids to have some fun with their friends. I know around Amarillo, RSVPing is polite but doesn't always happen and sometimes you'll get an RSVP and the child won't attend. Have you ever thought about sending a bill to that family for not showing up after they RSVP'd? That's exactly what happened to Alex Nash.