This Is Where You Can Watch For Updates On Santa’s Big Ride
Santa is getting ready to make his yearly ride delivering toys all over the planet to good boys and girls. One of my favorite parts of this season is watching the Santa Tracker.
The Santa Tracker website steps up its game every year. Not only do they have the radar coverage of where Santa is at any given time, but now they have games and several other ways to kill some time in a festive way.
As a kid, sitting up to watch the evening news on Christmas Eve to hear when Santa would be flying by was one of my favorite things to do. It added to the magic, and Gary England always let you know what time you should be in bed.
With the Santa Tracker by NORAD, now you can keep track around the clock. Not even Ol' Saint Nick is safe from technology these days.
If you find yourself needing a fun way to fill some time with the kids this holiday, pull up the Santa Tracker website and dig around a little bit.
It evens plays Christmas music to set the mood as you watch the countdown to Santa's ride.
While I'm not much on getting into all of the decorating, shopping, singing, smiling, and ho-ho-ho-ing; this is one Christmas tradition I do enjoy.
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