5 Things In Amarillo You Should Probably Do This Weekend
Do you have a growing list of projects at home that you just need to get done? Yeah, me too! This weekend might just be the perfect time to get cracking on that long list you have been putting off the last few months. If you don't mind the hot weather, the forecast around Amarillo will be nice and sunny this weekend and perfect to for working outdoors.
When the winds starting blowing on Tuesday, so did all the dust and dirt throughout the panhandle. My beautiful red car turned a rusty shade of brown in no time at all. Not too mention, when I opened my door to get in and out, I think I collected quite a bit of dirt in the car too. You can see it on the dashboard. This would be a great weekend to tackle a nice bath for your vehicle both inside and out. We have a plethora of car washes around the area, and with most, the vacuums are free if you paid for a wash.
Speaking of dust and dirt, there is now a small dune piled up at my front door. I plan to take time this weekend and power wash off my porches and some of the brick on the front of my house. If you don't have a power-washer, just the regular old hose will do. However, power-washers have come down in price the last few years and you can get a good electric one for a decent price. Oh, and don't forget the windows between the glass and screen. That track is probably caked with dirt and you don't want that blowing in the next time you open the windows for a nice breeze.
Right now, mine looks like the landfill exploded along my fence. All the trash from Tuesday's wind blew some new findings right up to my fence line. I have cleaned up some already, but this will be a good weekend to get out and grab all the junk that blew into your yard. Don't forget to check under bushes, you are very likely to find some nice trash presents under there too. I also noticed the weeds have sprung up in full force the last week or so. Pull those weeds now before they become small trees and become unmanageable.
If you are not a fan of the hot weather and want to enjoy the AC, then think about taking time to clean your home office. Right now, I have papers and folders and stuff thrown everywhere for work. Take some time to just tidy up and get reorganized. Put on the radio or stream a show in the background while you get ahead for the next week. Then when you come back to your desk Monday morning, you will have a fresh start for the new week.
Take care of yourself. That's right, find some time to just chill. For most of us, work and home life have become intertwined so much this year that is it hard to separate the two. If you have kids, you have become a teacher and daycare center. Find time to relax with a good book, your favorite music, or binge-watch your favorite show. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't sleep the weekend away, but you deserve some down time to recharge.
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