You get out of the shower and the first thing you do is dry off. What is the second thing you do? Do you hang the towel up? Do you throw it on the floor? Do you throw it in the wash?
When you are loading your dishwasher you think that you will get really clean dishes out once it's done washing. I mean that is your goal anyway. Clean Dishes. You may, though, be doing something that keeps that from happening.
We have learned in the past few months the importance of washing your hands. You have to use soap and warm water and wash for at least 20 seconds. I think we have finally learned the value of that. We have learned about keeping our phones clean. We know we can now you antibacterial wipes to clean our phones. If we have learned anything we are finally being cleaner. What about your face?
I saw this story last week and so it started a discussion between me and my daughter. I asked her how she puts silverware in the dishwasher. She said handle down. I asked her why? She didn't really have a reason. It's just how she did it.
I haven’t been inside every restroom in Amarillo, but of the many I have been in, these two really stand out. They are not only clean, but incredibly unique.