806 Health Tip: Those Little Confidence Boosters
Sometimes it is those little wins in life that make us feel good about ourselves. Sometimes just as fast they can be ripped away and their goes that boost of confidence we once had.
When do you feel the best? When you look your best? When you have a perfect hair day? Or your makeup is on point? How about that sudden rush you get when someone notices that you lost some weight. Or when you notice that your clothes are fitting just a bit on the looser side. That feels great doesn't it? When you notice that your eating healthy and working out is starting to pay off. It doesn't even have to be someone else noticing, though that is nice too, as long as you can tell. It's a big win for your self confidence.
How much of a confidence boost do you get when you get enough sleep the night before. You seem to have just a bit more energy. Wow, that feels great too. Oh and those perfect hair days. Sometimes that happens right after you wash your hair. Sometimes that happens after a day of letting your hair be. Whatever that great hair day ends up being really can improve your mood.
Do you feel a bit more confidence one you get a little color? A little bit of a tan? Like the sun just kissed you and gave you extra style and confidence. Vitamin D can do a world of good. Those weekends you get to hang out at Memorial Park with your dog and your family can really improve things.
Then just as quickly there are things that squash us like a bug. Waking up on an important day to see that you have a pimple. Come on you are way over the age where that should happen. Oh but it does. Of course you can also be bummed when you notice a new wrinkle. Where did that come from?
Remember that great sleep you got last week. Well it can be taken away from you just as fast. Those mornings you wake up with dark circles under your eyes and the feeling of not being able to make it through the day.
Just know that for every bad day you will have the good ones. Let's just do our best to keep those positive numbers more to our liking. We can all get through these days together.
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