Amarillo has a lot of restaurants. I feel that is what makes us so great. We have a lot of places to choose from when making our dining choices.

Sometimes that does make it a little tough when we need to decide where to eat? I was driving down Georgia Street this past weekend and saw this new place to try out soon. I had never heard of it.

Compadres Tacos is the name of the place. I saw the Opening Soon sign. They are going into the old Lucido's Italian Express location on the corner of 34th and Georgia in the shopping center. I love a place with good hot sauce so I am interested to see how their's tastes and what their menu will consist of.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM



Since this is a restaurant I never heard of I tried to check them out on-line to find out more about their menu and such. I couldn't find anything online for them. So it looks like this may be a new local restaurant.

Even more intriguing. I am really interested in this now. So I will continue to drive by and see when they open up. I may have found a new place soon to enjoy Taco Tuesday. The more restaurants we get....the better. Especially when they are local.

So I will keep an eye out for this place to open up. Stay tuned.......

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