I have always been a huge Atlanta Braves Fan. Really. Since the early nineties. I grew up in Chicago till the late eighties when I moved to Texas I needed to pick a baseball team. Finding baseball on TV was tough. We had WGN but growing up in the Southside of Chicago but I couldn’t root for the Cubs. Luckily back then TBS aired the Atlanta Braves.

I learned to love the team. I have always been a fan of the pitchers. I grew to love the rotation Maddux, Glavine, and Smoltz. I watched them pitch and win.

My daughter sent me a text this weekend because she knew this would be big for me. I saw earlier this year that the Atlanta Braves signed Tucker Davidson from Tascosa High School. Then, of course, COVID hit so I had no idea if he would even get a season.

They recently clinched their division so they looked to add to their postseason roster. So on Saturday, they started Tucker. I tried to find a way to watch the game. I hunted for someone who had credentials to watch online. Of course, this game was not on TV, I for sure looked.

So I decided to just watch from the MLB website. The first inning he walked one and struck out two. Yay, not a bad showing when you knew his nerves had to be getting the best of him. Here was Tucker making his Major League Debut. He had a rougher second inning. He gave up four runs on a homer, and an error, and a few singles.

That ended his day. When he left he finished the first inning with just one extra batter. The second inning was tougher with an error. His infield couldn't get the job done for him.

The next pitcher, Dayton, gave up a grand slam. So yeah a tough day.

I am ever the optimist. The Atlanta Braves already clinched. Now is the time to get their line up ready to go. Tucker had a rougher start but can still be ready to go in the postseason. Tucker only gave up two earned runs just as an FYI. You never know when that may be a question on Jeopardy.

KEEP READING: See how sports around the world have been impacted by the coronavirus


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