Eat Your Way Through October While Helping Out the United Way
October means many things. It's Fall, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it's Halloween month, it's Domestic Violence Awareness month, and so much more. Not only does October cover the previous things, it is also a month for eating. It's the month for eating for the United Way. It's time to Dine United.
Eating is one of the joys of life and if you love to eat out then you can eat out and help one of the great organizations in Amarillo. So many restaurants to choose from each and every day.
During the month of October, you can eat at several different restaurants throughout Amarillo and a portion of all food sales will go to the United Way annual campaign.
Just make sure when you stop in to eat at these generous restaurants you tell them you are there to Dine United for the United Way.
Here's a list of where you can eat and on what days for Dine United.
What does the United Way of Amarillo and Canyon do?
We fight for the Health, Education and Financial Stability of every person in our community. We work to change lives forever in Amarillo & Canyon. We tackle tough issues that make a lasting difference and create opportunities for greatness – like helping children succeed in school and prepare for careers, providing support to get people back to work and creating a culture where people choose a healthy lifestyle.