Here’s the Best Santa Trackers to Find Santa on Christmas Eve
Let's face it we are all super excited about Santa's annual visit on Christmas Eve. I know my kids get super excited about Christmas Eve. They get so excited they don't want to go to bed. So it's great to have a way to track Santa so they know when to go to sleep. Santa will be visiting over 5,500 houses per minute on Christmas Eve so he has to be ready and once he takes off with the reindeer on Christmas Eve you can keep track of him.
NORAD Tracks Santa is one of the best Santa trackers around. Plus, it has some great interactive fun to experience while you are counting down the days to Santa's visit. Check out their theater, listen to some of Santa's favorite songs, see how the work is coming along at the toy shop and of course track Santa.
It's also available in an app version for your phone.
It looks like Google has had some fun with their Santa Tracker. It features a countdown to Santa, as well as games, and a learning center and more. Plus it's like a cool advent calendar it unlocks a new activity each day.
This tracker is available on iTunes for the iPhone or iPad or for Android on the Google Play store. This app counts down to Christmas, features Santa's blogs, Advent Calendar, plus see where Santa is on Christmas Eve.
They say they have been tracking Santa since 1991. This website has some cool features on it as well. Keep up to date with things going on around the North Pole courtesy of Elf Ernest. Is there a naughty and nice list? Who won the reindeer games and more. Plus see how the reindeer and sleigh are doing. Will they be ready for the big flight? While you are at it, you can Elf Yourself. Then track Santa on the big night by the website or receive texts letting you know where he is at the moment.
This is a pretty basic site but it has a countdown to Christmas and a good map of where and when you can find Santa.
This app is available in iTunes. You can get the $3.99 version or the lite version for free. It's also available on Google Play for free or $3.99. This app allows you to track santa, see how fast he is going, where he's been, where he's going and more. Plus you can get texts from Santa, calls from Santa and a lot more.
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