How To Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day
Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. Here are a few ideas on how you can spread kindness today.
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Pay For A Random Stranger's Coffee
If you get your coffee every morning before heading to work, then pay for the person's order behind you. You never know, it could cause a chain reaction and make the day of a few people.
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Visit a Nursing Home
A lot of the people in nursing homes don't get a lot of visitors. Stop by and spend some time (if allowed) in the common area talking with residents. You never know you might make a new friend and learn about something you have never knew about.
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Buy Snacks for Movie Night
I like to use Redbox and I love the stories of people placing some cash for snacks, in the movie cases when they return the video. Give someone else a little pick me up when they rent the movie next.
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Make Someone Dinner
While you are cooking dinner tonight, make some extra, or cook up some casseroles and tomorrow, just drop them off at a friend's house who you know needs a night off from cooking.
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Give Something Meaningful to a Stranger
I love our listeners so very much. On Tuesday one of our listeners won a contest that included tickets to see Jim Brickman in concert and an autographed CD. Well this listener noticed that another lady who was trying to win, had an amazing story about her precious sister that she lost. Our winner contacted the other woman and gave her, her prize.
That's what I call and random act of kindness.
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