My Trip Back to the 80’s in Amarillo Over the Weekend
This weekend I stumbled upon something pretty cool so I had to find out if this was for real. It meant I had to take a trip yesterday to Walmart. I needed to verify this 80's coolness was indeed on the shelves.
So while on Tik Tok someone posted how they were at Walmart and they noticed that Trapper Keepers were on the shelf at their store. Woah. I loved me a good Trapper Keeper. That was the highlight of back to school shopping. Picking out my new Trapper Keeper. That was early in the school year when I was excited to go back to class. Towards the end of the year I just couldn't wait to throw that thing in the trash. Oh, wasn't that a good feeling too?
So I needed to know did our Walmart's have them on the shelf too? I mean I have no kids going back to school but I still needed to know. So I headed to my Walmart on Georgia. That is the one, when I go, that I head to.
Since it is close to getting ready for back to school I just knew there would be that big section towards the front. Oh, and there was. I started walking up and down the aisles looking for the ultimate win. The Trapper Keeper's. I found these sad looking excuses for a binder.
As I kept searching. There they were in all of their glory. Yes, they have the Trapper Keeper's at Walmart. I told my daughter and she remembered back in her school days back in the early 2000's I found them on the shelf as well. She wasn't as impressed. Seriously? They were the coolest.
They gave us so many ways to be prepared for the school year. What was she thinking? We had helpful tips we could learn from:
So as everything that is cool about the 80's has definitely been making a comeback, so has the Trapper Keeper. They can be found again at Walmart. Oh to be back in school rocking the every cool Trapper Keeper again.
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