Review: My First Cleanse From Clean Juice in Amarillo
I have been thinking about this for awhile. I was going to do it. I needed to. I wanted to see how I would do. I am talking about a juice cleanse from Clean Juice in Amarillo. They had their Grand Opening Celebration over the weekend and we got to be out for it. So it was the perfect chance to take the leap.
As we were leaving I went up to the counter and purchased one. I was trying to decide if I just wanted the beginners cleanse, the anti-inflammatory, or the energy one. I asked about them and the question was posed about my thoughts on beets. The energy one, which is what I was leaning towards, had two beet juices. Some people like them and well some just don't.
I said I can drink anything and even if it was bad, having more energy would be worth it. So that is what I went home with. I decided to do my cleanse on Sunday. I got up and drank my first one.
- The Cashew Milk Latte (7am): I don't regularly drink coffee. If I did this is the type of coffee I would drink. You know one that tastes like a latte with all the cream and sugars. Now mind you this had the great taste of a latte without all the bad things for you. I loved how it tasted. This one is organic cashews, maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon with filtered water and Himalayan pink sea salt. After drinking this I went on a 6 mile walk with a friend. I was already feeling energy. Now mind you I don't know if it's because I ate and drank a few good for me things yesterday from Clean Juice. If it was the placebo effect. Or heck it was just a good morning and my first drink didn't hurt those feelings. I do know I felt great after the walk and wasn't hungry. (320 calories/320 calories for the day)
- Red Juice (10am) : My first of the two beet juices in my cleanse. This had organic apple, carrot, beet and lemon. The strongest taste was beets. I wasn't sure how it was going to taste or how I would feel after. Once I got home from my walk this was my next juice. Really it didn't taste bad. I actually didn't mind it. I feel this is not going to be a bad cleanse at all. I still have energy. On to my next project. (200 calories/520 calories for the day)
- Green: (12:30pm) I just got done working in my garage when I was due for this juice. My energy level is still going strong. This one has organic cucumber, celery, spinach, kale, lemon and ginger. The taste was a strong celery. I don't mind celery at all. I don't have any more projects to do today. So I am off to take a shower. I am halfway done with my cleanse. Three more juices to go. It's been a good day. (50 calories/570 calories for the day)
- Red -AGAIN (3:15pm): I was ready for this one this time. I knew what it would taste like. Beets with some sweetness. I noticed the sweetness more this time. Same ingredients but I noticed the lemon more this time. This was the first time that I noticed my stomach growl a little bit. I didn't feel hungry but stomach growled a little. I have been sitting watching a show on Hulu. So this was the first time I sat all day. So that could be why I noticed this more. I am going to up my water intake a bit more. I have had probably around 4 x 16.9 oz bottles so far today. I still am feeling pretty dang good. (200 calories/770 calories for the day)
- Sweet Green: (6:15pm) I drank more water than last time. Two more 16.9 bottles of water. No stomach growling in between. This juice was sweet and minty. I could taste the cucumber a bit. It contains organic cucumber, apple, kale, spinach and mint. I only have one more juice left today before bed. It's been a pretty easy cleanse day. I have done some activities and also relaxed some since it is Sunday. I even took a nice twenty minute nap before I drank this juice. I needed it. I can't wait to see how tomorrow goes. I have had more energy today. Excited to see how I feel tomorrow as well. (140 calories/910 calories for the day)
- Cacao: (8:30pm) My last drink of the evening. My last drink of the cleanse. I wasn't even hungry or any stomach growling between my last two juices. This one was like a nice, healthy chocolate milk. The perfect one to finish off my day. They said to take it an hour before bed. I have one more episode of my binge watching left so this was perfect. This cold-pressed organic nut milk had organic cashews, maple syrup, cacao, vanilla and cinnamon. Also included was filtered water and Himalayan Pink Sea Salt. I really enjoyed this desert type drink before bed. I feel I will not have any hunger over night. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for me. (440 calories/1350 calories for the day)
How was I going to wake up on Monday? Would I be able to face the week? Well good news. I woke up before my alarm. Which was a good thing. I had energy. That was great seeing as I get up around 4:15am. No food and I was still ok. I was not hungry at all. Would I do this cleanse again? Absolutely. It was worth it.
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