It's that dreaded time of the year. Your body starts to ache. Your nose may start to run. Oh wait now it's your throat. It's on fire. In 2020 it is even worse. I mean now you have to check to see if you lost your sense of smell or taste. Are you running a fever. Getting sick this year is even worse.
It's never fun having the flu and especially in 2020 when everyone will just assume you have covid. You want to avoid that at all costs. So what can you do? Maybe you take extra vitamin C. Maybe you go and get the flu shot and again especially this year. It is one thing to get sick but something else to get the flu or even the virus.
Do you normally get a flu shot? I will be the first to say that I have not in years. I am pretty sure that I will be getting mine this year. I mean on top of concerns of getting the actual flu this year we also have to worry about covid too. All at the same time.
We will be getting to cold and flu season before long. This will be an unusual one this year. Is it a cold? Is it the flu? Or is it covid? How do we know which steps to take? I mean do we just ride it out like we would a cold?
It is so silly to me that this is the only time we are concerned so much about washing our hands. We have a cold and flu season every year. So it just makes sense that we should ALWAYS be concerned with washing up.
With all of this talk of Coronavirus we know the best way to avoid it is by washing our hands. We have to be more diligent in doing just that. Just think of all the stuff we touch throughout the day.