Earlier Canyon Independent School District came out and said they needed more substitute teachers and the best way to get them? Increase their pay. I mean that is a win win situation. It makes it easier to find qualified people and they will make more money.
Nobody really likes the idea of getting a shot. That was then and well this is now. We are still not crazy about needles but more and more people are posting about getting their vaccine.
Parents have had an interesting year. We went from working in offices to working from home. Kids have gone from going to school to all being home schooled. These two worlds have intertwined because parents have now had to step up and help with the teaching.
Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there was a nearly 80-percent jump in e-cigarette use among high schoolers from 2017 to 2018. Channing ISD has seen these numbers and that means a change in the school dress code.