Saving money is important that's why you want to save wherever you can. When you buy these certain items at this store, you'll save money all year long.
Have you played the game of driving around Amarillo and reminiscing about what used to be? If you have lived here any amount of time this becomes a fun game. Sometimes you have vivid memories about things.
Market Street is where I do all of my grocery shopping. So when I go in and they change something I tend to notice. The change that I noticed when I went in to do my shopping yesterday was noticed right away.
Great news for those who live in Southwest Amarillo near Loop 335, you will now have a closer place to shop for groceries and pick up your prescriptions.
I have always been a big fan of Market Street. That is where I do ALL of my shopping. I remember when it opened. I was thrilled to have a grocery store in my neighborhood again. I remember the days of Homeland being where the Dollar Tree is now.
Lemonade Day has been a part of the Amarillo community for a few years now. It's a great day that kids learn all about starting and running a business. What better way to learn than by opening up their own lemonade stand?
This has been a crazy past few months. If you have a baby that is formula fed you probably have noticed the issues in the store. First, there was a formula shortage. We noticed it here in Amarillo.
Oh yes Mardi Gras is almost here. In fact don't miss the fun on Tuesday, March 1st. Of course than directly after is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Ahhhh but Fat Tuesday is the day we are counting down to.
Over the weekend seems like a great time to accomplish some tasks at your house. I bet your kids room could use a little tidying up. Do you ever look at their bookshelf and just know you need to get rid of some of them?
I will be the first to admit that I make a dang good Thanksgiving. I also will admit that even though I do I refuse to spend all day cooking. I do still cook. Some. Hey, ask my daughter if you don't believe me. My turkey is spot on.