We do have a lot of great seasons and a lot of great foods to kick them off. We have green chili season, pumpkin season and NOW it's the start of tamale season.

I got an email at work the other day from a co-worker whose mother-in-law was starting to make them. So I jumped at the chance.

I got 2 dozen last year and enjoyed every moment of them. So of course I responded back as soon as I got this email.

I ordered 2 dozen more. I am not ashamed to say that one dozen is already gone. Yeah, homemade tamales are awesome.

I chose to get the spicy tamales over the regular. I feel though that I couldn't go wrong either way.

So if you see an email at your work....or a friend you know on Facebook. I would definitely take advantage. Ooh I know I will be buying more later this winter. This was just the introduction.

Let us eat tamales!

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