The Birds Are Migrating! Turn Out The Lights
Do you love to see all the birds here in the Texas Panhandle when spring rolls around?

It's great to see all the different species of birds in Amarillo here for spring and summer.
We are officially in the Spring Bird Migration season, which means all sorts of species of birds will be traveling across the Texas Panhandle. It's peak migration time, and this will last through May 12th.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife are asking Texans to help out with the spring migration of birds with their Lights Out Texas Program. How this works is all you have to do is make sure non-essential lights are turned off from 11 pm - 6 pm. This helps our feathered friends travel and migrate through the skies to their destinations. By joining together and turning off the lights it will help these birds survive. Most of these birds do travel at night, and the main cause of death during migration is flying into buildings due to the light.
We don't have many large buildings in Amarillo, but we can join together with the buildings around here and ask the owners to help out and turn the lights off from 11 pm to 6 am and help the birds fly the friendly skies.
There is something about waking up to the songbirds singing in the spring. I for one have a dove that sits in the tree outside my bedroom window and sings to me every single weekend.
It's also nice to see all the Blue Jays, Mockingbirds, Cardinals, and Woodpeckers hanging out in the city.
Let's help the birds!
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