When is the Best Time of the Weekend?
There is not a happier time of the week for me than 5pm on Friday when I am heading to my car from work. I even declare it to my co-worker.
Knowing that I have the weekend ahead of me to sleep, relax, catch up on my shows, whatever the weekend may hold. It's the BEST time of the week for me.
Of course there was a survey that actually asked people to name the time in the weekend that's usually their favorite and here are the results.
No surprise that Friday night came in first, with 23% of the vote. Saturday night is second at 15%.....and Saturday morning and afternoon tied for third at 12%.
Another non-shocker is that Sunday night is the worst time with only 4% of the vote.
I just can't believe they didn't give Friday at 5pm as one of the choices. I feel that would be the real winner.
Which is your favorite time of the weekend? Please comment belowl