The easiest way to keep eating healthy is to keep an eye on the food you eat. Make a list.

When you hold you self accountable and have the ability to count your calories the better you will do.

So think back to yesterday. What did you have to eat all day? I had an Herbalife Shake for breakfast. I had a avocado stuffed with chicken salad and fresh fruit for lunch. Dinner? I had a chicken breast, black beans and broccoli. Sounds like a pretty good day.

What did you eat? Did you add in the amount of plastic you ate too? Yes, I am serious. There ends up being a lot of tiny particles of plastic in the food we eat. You also find it in the water we drink. The problem is all those tiny particles add up to large amounts.

That is scary. According to a new study all those little particles add up to about the same as saying you ate an entire credit card every week. Let that sink in. So what are we eating and drinking that up those numbers?

How about water, shellfish, beer and salt. Those items have a lot of plastic particles in them. So this can't be safe? Right? It's just scary to think how much that really ends up being. We haven't ended up really sick over this amount of plastic. It, though, can't be good for us.

So here I am I am going to go home soon and grab a credit card to chomp on. You know cut out the middle man.


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