Amarillo Birthday Tradition Continues
This birthday tradition started out as me trying to be funny. It has lasted for four years now. I am a patient over at Perkins Family Chiropractic. I started going there because they also have a massage therapist in the office. I have been going to the office for over ten years.
I'm friends with all the staff on Facebook. I realized that most of us have July Birthdays. Dr. Perkin/s birthday is earlier in July. My massage therapist, David Rabson, from Therapeutic Massage Techniques, birthday is just days after mine. So a few years ago in 2017, I got David this card when I went in for my appointment.
I never thought that here in 2020 we have still kept up with the card. He kept it and gave it back to me in 2018. I held on to it the next year and gave it to him again in 2019 when I went in. Then on Friday I went in again and he gave it back to me. He joked that I am the odd one. I give it to him in the odd years and he holds on to it and gives me the card in the even years.
It's really pretty cool that we can keep up with it over the years and make sure we hand it back off every year. It started with me jokingly saying "Just save this card for a year." It's cool that he did and we continue to do this over the years. We are running out of room on the side we keep signing and dating it but luckily we have the other side and the back if needed.
I don't know how many years we will be able to continue this but it's cool that this is our birthday tradition. Do you have a fun tradition like this? Comment below.