The jobs are out there if you are looking. If you have an interest in law enforcement and would be interested in a position with the Amarillo Police Department there is good news. They are hiring. Oh and you don't have to be an officer.

They are actually looking to fill civilian jobs. Oh and there are several positions open. Even if you are looking for part time work they have that too.

credit: Amarillo Police Department
credit: Amarillo Police Department

I always thought working in law enforcement would be interesting. Seeing how this side of the city works. Hearing all these interesting stories. Yep, that is so me.

What Positions are They Hiring For Currently?

They are looking for both part time and full time Range Officers to work out at the shooting complex. They are looking for crime data analyst. That is the one that really sparked my interest.

They also need administrative help. They are looking for a couple Administrative Assistants. They also would like an Administrative Supervisor.

The full time positions will be offering benefits that include insurance, paid sick-time, vacation time and much more.

Is This Something That Interests You?

You can start the application process or at least check out the details. You can check out the positions HERE.

You will need to search under Police Civilian Personnel:

credit: City of Amarillo
credit: City of Amarillo

Check out all the requirements and if you qualify give it a shot. I mean you will never know if you don't try. I feel like any of these jobs would end up being highly interesting.

Thrilled to Be There: the Smiling Mugshots of Hutchinson County

Hutchinson County has plenty of people who have committed a criminal blunder (or two). And just like any other bigger city, jail is no fun. However, some of the residents of Borger and Stinnett are believers in keeping their spirits high in the face of adversity.

Not sure what we mean?

Well....let's just say that Randall County's cheerful inmates aren't the only ones who seem happy to be arrested....While there’s nothing funny about committing a crime, these offenders in Hutchinson County certainly do know how to light up a pod with their smile :-)

Amarillo On 'America's Most Wanted'

I was surprised to find out recently that we also have a bit of a history with the show America's Most Wanted.

Digging through old news articles, I found several separate occasions where Amarillo and America's Most Wanted crossed paths. It makes me wonder if there are some that I've missed.


Texas Crime Statistics By City

Check to see how crime compares in your city versus elsewhere.

Pleased To Be Here: Happiest Mugshots of Randall County

My my my! These are some happy campers.

You'd think having your mugshot taken would be far from one of your finer moments.....but these inmates prove that you can always turn that frown upside down.

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