High Noon on the Square is Back for the Summer
Looking for a great break for lunch on Wednesdays at Noon in the Summer? Well Center City of Amarillo has the perfect event and it's been a long tradition in Amarillo. It's High Noon on the Square and it returns on Wednesday June 7th. It's back with great entertainers and delicious food and it's a great way to network with people and have some fun with family and friends. So put High Noon on the Square on your calendar for every Wednesday.
High Noon on the Square takes place in Amarillo on the Potter County Courthouse lawn at 501 S. Fillmore. The cost of the meal is $8 and it is catered by some of Amarillo’s best restaurants and businesses.
You can purchase a punch card that is good for every High Noon on the Square this Summer the cost is $88. It's good for 11 meals. Now you can buy it and feed at friends or employees at one High Noon or you can use it for each individual event. It's up to you! You can purchase those at the Center City office at 1000 S. Polk.
So get ready here's the line up for this year, and guess what, they have extended the event into August this year!
June 7th
Sponsored by Xcel Energy
Entertainment: Andy Chase
Caterer: Youngbloods
June 14th
Sponsored by Convention & Visitors Council
Entertainment: ’TEXAS’ Musical
Caterer: Dickey's BBQ & Texas Tea
June 21st
Sponsored by Brown & Fortunato Law Firm
Entertainment: Mike Fuller
Caterer: Crush Wine Bar
June 28th
Sponsored by American Quater Horse Muesem
Entertainment: Summer Youth Musical "Fiddler on the Roof"
Caterer: AQHA Cook Team
July 5th
Sponsored by Amarillo Cultural District
Entertainment: Dust Jackets
Caterer: Chick-Fil-A
July 12th
Sponsored by the Mays Foundation
Entertainment: Pat Swindell & Pizzazz
Caterer: Youngblood's
July 19th
Sponsored by Sprouse Shrader Smith
Entertainment: Amarillo Symphony
Caterer: Pan-Handlers
July 26th
Sponsored by WTAMU Amarillo Center
Entertainment: Lone Star Ballet
Caterer: Chick-Fil-A
August 2nd
Sponsored by Golden Spread Electric Coop
Entertainment: Smokey City Rhythm Revue
Caterer: Midtown Wood Fired Kitchen
August 9th
Sponsored by Underwood Law Firm
Entertainment: Insufficient Funds
Caterer: Joe Taco
So there's the line up for this year. It's looks like it will be a fun time for everyone!
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