It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season, And There’s A New Cookie This Year
Prepare yourself. Girl Scouts are about to descend upon store entryways with their delicious confections that leave your wallet empty. That is, if you aren't able to walk fast enough and avoid making eye contact. It's Girl Scout Cookie season.
While the many varieties of cookie that currently exist are great on their own, there is a new one that has me worried. It's called the Toast-Yay cookie, and it is inspired by French toast. Not only is it inspired by French toast, but it is also dipped in icing.
As a full blown cookie addict, I already have a feeling that these are going to taste great when they are dunked in milk.
I usually do well during Girl Scout Cookie season. I can usually avoid eye contact as I make my way into the store. However, there is always that one time that I falter and I wind up with an arm full of boxes.
All kidding aside, the Girl Scouts do a lot of good in the community and the cookie sales do help with projects in the panhandle.
Still, we all know that feeling of rushing past a table of little girls who just want to innocently sell you a box of cookies; avoiding eye contact and pretending like you didn't hear them ask you if you would like to buy some.
Cookies that are delicious; and there's never enough of them in one box so you have to buy at least two.
Also, word has it that the Girl Scouts are teaming up with GrubHub so you can get the cookies delivered. It appears the cookie cartel is embracing new ways of making sure we all have access to their baked wares.
For more info on the Girl Scouts and how to purchase cookies, use this link.