When you think of Baptist St. Anthony's or what we lovingly just call BSA we probably all picture the same thing. The mammoth that is the huge hospital campus on Coulter. We think of the medical district that is Amarillo.

I recently spent some time there for a quick day surgery. It's not somewhere I look forward to going to. It usually means some medical procedure. My time there was great. They took great care of me. I mean if I had to have the surgery done I couldn't have asked for it to go better.

So here we are all picturing St Anthony's hospital. Have I got a picture that you have to see.  A different view of St. Anthony's. Back in times when things were much simpler.

credit: Texas Historical Commission
credit: Texas Historical Commission

This hospital was built in 1901, I mean really simpler times. OK, so I will be honest I had to look up what a sanatorium even was. Yes, I knew it had to be something medical, of course. Basically, it is an establishment or facility offering long-term medical care or treatment.

I know that we have come a long way since those simpler times. Could you imagine going to a hospital without electricity? How sanitary do you think it is without running water? Or a sewage drain?

It's most definitely amazing to see where we came from and where we are not. St. Anthony's now has several buildings and has to have people direct you so you know where to go for any procedure. So definitely a change.

credit: Google Maps
credit: Google Maps


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