If At First You Don’t Succeed – Try Try Again
This past weekend I took a trip to Home Depot on Georgia. I wanted to make a plan for my garden. I take this time every year. Now I know the crazy Amarillo weather and heck we can still get another freeze. That didn’t stop half of Amarillo from being there doing the same thing I was. Scoping out what they want to include in their garden this year.
I won’t get all crazy and plant yet. Still doesn’t hurt to get everything I need and keep the plants safe for now.
I have had some luck with my garden year after year. Well for the most part. I have only had issues growing my ghost peppers.
Maybe that is because the garden gods feel I will use those more for evil than good. I really don't think I would. I just want to see if I can grow them and see how hot they truly will end up being.
So this year in my garden I am trying my hand at the following: ghost peppers, jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and squash.
I had success last year with this raised garden because it is much easier to keep the weeds away. I also save a bag of all my kitchen scraps. Whenever I make eggs I will keep the shells in a bag. Whenever I cut up any veggies all the scraps go in the bag too. If you happen to drink coffee the used grounds can be thrown in too.
I then take that bag of goodies, before I plant my garden. and mix all the contents in the dirt for planting. It really helps with adding nutrients to the soil.
Another success I have had. Oh and my mom told me this one. I will take Epsom salt and pour it around my plants. Or even mixing some in warm water and spraying on the plant itself. Epsom salt gives the plants good nutrients and helps in the growing process. It seems to work.
If you can take advantage any and all rain we get that is the best for your garden. If you can set out a bucket to collect rain water to use for watering on the days without rain....your garden will thank you too.
Do you have any other tips or tricks to share? Comment below.
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