Still Not Getting a Jack in the Box in Amarillo But More Coffee
We have weekly meetings trying to come up with story ideas. We sit around and talk about rumors about what is going on around Amarillo. We try to decide what is going to be a good read. What is going to be newsworthy?
I mean it's part of the job. We want to find the next big thing. So when we discussed a new business going in on Amarillo Boulevard. One that will be next to the O'Reilly Auto Parts.

Since there is a Chick-fil-A right there too it could be a new fast food place. Maybe? So I decided I would do the research. Maybe it will be something cool. Something that we don't already have in Amarillo.
Oooh. Since the foundation has already been poured we can tell it's not going to be some huge restaurant. That is ok. There are plenty of fast food places I would kill for.
I mean a Jack in the Box doesn't take up too much space. Oh, but it would do so much for satisfying my craving for a Sourdough Jack Burger. Oh, and their Tacos are to die for. I knew it was not likely but a girl can dream.
I did what anyone wanting the scoop would do. Before I picked up the phone to make any calls I decided that the best place to start is on Facebook. Oh, and they did not disappoint.
One of the first posts I saw from late last month was asking about any new places coming to Amarillo. So I casually got to snooping. I didn't get too far before someone brought up that exact location.
My friend Nick got the comments coming:
Building something next to Oreillys on the blvd across from Gem St United. They poured the foundation yesterday.
That is when the disappointment hit. After a bit more scrolling that is when I saw the answer I needed. Another Starbucks. Really? I was thinking this exact thing when I read that answer:
Geez louise, how many coffee shops do we need?? I'd trade five of those coffee shops for one Trader Joe's. - Mary Lou
I am not a coffee drinker so it definitely disappointed me. I feel like Amarillo is the new official City That Never Sleeps. We have way too many places to get your coffee fix. Maybe this makes you happy. Maybe you are missing coffee in this area. I don't know. I just am getting a bit cranky as my Jack in the Box dream is squashed once again.
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