The Importance of Neighborhood Security Here in Amarillo
If you spend any time on Facebook or even use the Nextdoor App you would know that the crime is a little bit up there here in Amarillo.
We get our fair share of car break-ins. Houses too. I mean what should we do? Be vigilant. Learn a bit about your options. One that I took advantage of, besides my home security system, which I am so happy to have.....are my cameras.
I bought them for my daughter when she was having issues with some dumb girls who thought it was fun to vandalize her car. Yeah, that was fun.
As soon as those cameras went up and we let everyone know they were up....yeah the car issues stopped. She has now moved away and didn't feel she needed the system. So I decided if I have them I might as well take full advantage of it.
I had someone I know come over and install them. I think though that I still have some adjusting of the cameras to do. But I feel so much safer having them. Oh and I also take advantage of spying on my dogs a bit.
When I need a smile I will open up the app and see what they are up to. I catch them a lot just laying around in the backyard. Yep, they have such a tough life.
I have a DVR system that records what the cameras show. I have the app that I can also open up and it will also record stuff going on. I live in a safe neighborhood here in Amarillo but now I just feel a little safer.
I did some research and found an affordable system online. Then I paid someone to install them. My piece of mind was definitely worth the small investment I made. Now if someone rings my doorbell I can just check to see who it is. I don't even have to go answer if I don't want to.
It's a win either way. Oh and being able to spy on my dogs too! Yep this is the life.