Ambition is important in life. Ambition is what drives us to do our very best. Sometimes our goals are big. Maybe we are ready for a life changing move. Sometimes those ambitious desires are a little more low key.

We all have them. It seems that your drive increases as you get a little older. You actually reach your peak ambition at the age of 33. If you were asked about some of the things you hoped to accomplish what would you say?

Most of our answers really have an impact on our health. We strive to eat a bit healthier, as hard as that sounds. We get so used to eating what we want when we want, Then as we age we realize that those extra fries were probably not the best choice. So maybe when we drive thru Chick-fil-A we start to choose that side of Kale.

Another ambition we have that goes hand in hand with that is we think we need to go ahead and work out more. Maybe we go and buy a treadmill. Hey maybe we decide that the membership to Orange Therapy is so worth it. You will start going if you pay money. It works for a lot of people.

As we get older we realize water is a very important drink to have. Maybe substitute a Route 44 Coke for more water once in a while. It will do us all good. Heck 2020 has been a crazy year and we have probably stressed about a few things. That is not a good look on us. So we are trying harder and harder to relax a bit more and maybe pick up a book. Those ambitions help our body and our mind.

Speaking of relaxing how great is it to travel a bit? To drive down I40 and just see the sights? Again a great way to lower that blood pressure for a bit. Checking out places you may not have been before. Getting away without a care in the world.

What other healthy ambitions do you have? Comment below.


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