806 Health Tip: Things To Make You Smile
Let's face it we can all use a little more time to smile. A smile can lift your spirit and make it hard to be stressing about anything. There are so many small pleasures in life and we would definitely benefit in looking for those.
It's hard to be in a bad mood with a smile on your face. Even if you have to fake it until you make it, it's better to do just that. Your smile can even make others smile. I guess that is one of those things that is tough about wearing a mask right now. You can be walking down the aisle at United Supermarket smiling and nobody will know it.
That is a good reason to be hoping for an end to this soon. So we can read each other's faces and know when someone is smiling. If you need something to make you smile there really are a lot of things around us to help just that.
I know we have had a lot of bright blue skies with that sun shining here in the Texas Panhandle recently. Trust me even though it's been over 100 degrees for many days now that sunshine really does put a smile on our faces.
Another guarantee smile is seeing a litter of kittens and puppies. Doesn't that just make your heart melt just thinking about it?
Have you even noticed how good it feels to receive a compliment? It puts you in a good mood for most of the day. Just thinking how someone said something nice just for the heck of it.
You may get a giant smile on your face just after you put in a request at work for an upcoming vacation. Planning a vacation can life anyone's spirits. Vacations give us something to look forward to and that is what we need right now.
So what are some other little things that can lift your spirits and make you smile? Comment below.
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