
806 Health: Stop Using That Sugar Rush As A Reason To Grab A Cand
806 Health: Stop Using That Sugar Rush As A Reason To Grab A Cand
806 Health: Stop Using That Sugar Rush As A Reason To Grab A Cand
You make it to the middle of the afternoon and you're just dragging. You usually reach for a candy bar to get you over that mid-afternoon drain. Is that a good idea? I mean we know you are not you when you are hungry or at this point hangry. Will that candy bar help or hurt you in the long run?
806 Health: Stay Hydrated This Holiday Season
806 Health: Stay Hydrated This Holiday Season
806 Health: Stay Hydrated This Holiday Season
I know we think that it is only during the summer months that we need to stay hydrated. That sun can do a number on you. Oh, but so can the alcohol. Our alcohol intake seems to increase during the holiday season.

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