One of the things that was the hardest for me, I would also bet, for most women was buying clothes during the pandemic. First we had the issue of how easy it was to gain weight.
It may be our goal to figure out how to live a long life. We strive for that. So we eat healthy. We try to exercise. We plan on getting all the sleep that we need. We try to make smart decisions. The key to a long life is it happiness?
We are living in a weird time. The year 2020 has included many changes. A lot, not all of us, have gained a bit of weight. So many that it has a name. The Quarinteen15. Well guess what? We are over that and on our way to getting healthy again.
Another week and another chance to eat healthy. This may be something we have been struggling with for some time. We do pretty good for a few days. We start to feel better and then something comes up. A meal that you know you won't have many healthy choices.
We still have time this holiday season to pack on the weight. There are still New Years parties on the way. How can you avoid that inevitable weight gain?
You put on a pair of jeans and look at the tag and sigh. You want to wear a smaller size.... but how do you go about doing that? You need to gain weight! What?
Lady Gaga has had fluctuating weight for a while, both before and after her hip surgery -- and she's scared that the focus will be on her body and not her new album, 'ARTPOP.'
If you think flying is expensive now, just wait, it might get worst. If you weigh more than you want to and you want to fly anywhere you might want to finally lose those pounds.